Mrs Obfuscate,
Welcome to the better part of your life. Thank you for posting. Stories like yours make me hope that one day I will see my family walking away from this noxious cult
i have been lurking here for about 6 months, and being the last day of the year, and ready to start the new one afresh, i want to share the story of our exit from the org.
i have found the personal experiences of others of immeasurable value, (and its been a while since a good exit story has been posted) that i hope this can be of benefit to at least someone.. .
my mother became a jehovahs witness when i was about 9 or 10. i remember initially hating all of the new sanctions put on our lives (no birthdays and christmas anymore) but for some reason i soon after joined her in attending the meetings and eventually got baptized at the age of 14. my staunch catholic father converted a couple of years later.
Mrs Obfuscate,
Welcome to the better part of your life. Thank you for posting. Stories like yours make me hope that one day I will see my family walking away from this noxious cult
i have recently started studying and im really enjoying learning all about the truth!
i am a huge animal lover and have my dog trixie for 11 years now, i got her when i was 12 years old and she has been the best friend and companion, i am so lucky and grateful to have her at my side every single day!
i get worried a lot about what will happen when the time comes that she has to leave me, anytime i even think about it i start to cry because it would break my heart not to have her with me anymore!
Hi Nichole,
I am not a JW. Therefore I can not claim that I have been personally harmed by the Watchtower. In fact, for 20 years I liked them so much that I allowed one of my daughters to get baptized. I still liked JW's very much; a good number of them are my friends. However, the Watchtower leadership, especially at the higher levels, are quite the opposite of the JW's that you have contact with. Before you make the big commitment (baptism) make sure you are fully informed of everything about the Watchtower and its leaders. Learn everything, good and bad. Failure to be fully informed can lead you to making very regrettable decisions.
I love dogs very much too. But I just don't know what happens when physical life dies.
i remember going out with other jws after the memorial.. small gatherings.. picnics at some local landmark.. the feeling of closeness, camaraderie, friendship with like minded people you could trust.. haven't experienced it since i left.. really miss that..
science.. landed a probe on a comet, found liquid water on mars and successfully completed a ten year mission to pluto.. developed the first successful vaccine against ebola, discovered another human species in homo naledi, developed cancer killing molecules and high intensity ultrasound therapies which avoid surgery and leave healthy cells alone.
successfully mapped the human epigenome and developed the gene editing tool crispr, it's potential for medical and agricultural advance is staggering!.
found a way to produce graphene for a 1000th of the previous cost, developed cheap and sustainable methods to supply clean drinking water where water borne infections have been killing thousands, scaled up production of clean, renewable energy.. there's loads more, please feel free to add to the list.. .
What has atheism "produced" ever?
Just to add to what Nicolau said, science is not pro atheism or anti religion per se, it's anti blind trust or belief founded on bad evidence. Christians, and other religion's main methods (faith based) happen to be quite the opposite of science main methods. I believe that the essence of this thread is to compare which method yield better results, scientific method or the religious method
science.. landed a probe on a comet, found liquid water on mars and successfully completed a ten year mission to pluto.. developed the first successful vaccine against ebola, discovered another human species in homo naledi, developed cancer killing molecules and high intensity ultrasound therapies which avoid surgery and leave healthy cells alone.
successfully mapped the human epigenome and developed the gene editing tool crispr, it's potential for medical and agricultural advance is staggering!.
found a way to produce graphene for a 1000th of the previous cost, developed cheap and sustainable methods to supply clean drinking water where water borne infections have been killing thousands, scaled up production of clean, renewable energy.. there's loads more, please feel free to add to the list.. .
Christians have not changed in a long time. They help everyone needing help every year.
Yes, they follow orders. Who knows what really is in their heart.
Humanism, independent thinking, science, classical Greece and Rome have done far more for poor people than Christians have. Imagine life in the days of Jesus Christ for the poor. Then imagine that the Renaissance, the Reformation, the French and the American Revolution (to mention just 2 of the main social revolutions), the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, the social movements of independence such as the Indian independence (to mention just one of many), the movements to bring equality of races and genders...yes imagine that none of these secular movements ever existed. If these movements, mainly fueled by secular thinkers, had never existed, we would have conditions for the poor exactly as they were in the days of Jesus Christ, a time when people died of a simple tooth infection. If you like that, wait for scientists to invent the machine to travel in space-time and go live the life of a Christian at the beginning of the common era. I actually may pay a visit to find out how the whole scam started and developed, but no way I want to get stuck there.
science.. landed a probe on a comet, found liquid water on mars and successfully completed a ten year mission to pluto.. developed the first successful vaccine against ebola, discovered another human species in homo naledi, developed cancer killing molecules and high intensity ultrasound therapies which avoid surgery and leave healthy cells alone.
successfully mapped the human epigenome and developed the gene editing tool crispr, it's potential for medical and agricultural advance is staggering!.
found a way to produce graphene for a 1000th of the previous cost, developed cheap and sustainable methods to supply clean drinking water where water borne infections have been killing thousands, scaled up production of clean, renewable energy.. there's loads more, please feel free to add to the list.. .
Religion achievements:
Most religions reluctantly, but quite effectively and permanently, liberated many of their members, who are becoming free thinkers and able to, in direct ways or indirect ways, contribute to the advancement of science. That my friend is no small achievement. Kudos to the governing body, pastors, pope and many other religious leaders for their transparent lies and manipulation.
i stopped accompanying my wife about three years ago, soon after I learned ttatt, But I still hear that spanking is not only condoned, but encouraged. If you don't spank your kid, you are a bad, or at least a weak parent. Total submission is demanded since birth. No wonder, young JW's have a hard time adjusting to the real, often more compassionate and ethical, world beyond the walls of JW land..
dear all, need some advice .
in my country one can get dfd for pretty much anything the bullies want to df you for.
but is there any specific guidelines that state one can or cannot be dfd for marrying a non witness.
My wife was a JW in good standing when she started dating me. She got reproved only (couldn't comment in the congregation and something else). But the reason she got reproved is because her sister went to the elders and suggested, with no proof at all, that we may have done something wrong; we never did. The elders also arranged for a speaker from another congregation to give a speech especially dedicated to her. I was there. She was pretty much called "a stain" in the congregation.
The good thing is that after we married --with nobody from her family attending the wedding-- the circuit overseer came and told off the body of elders for their actions against her. Soon the elders apologized to my wife shielding their guilt with Proverbs 4:18.
By the way, my wedding was attended by plenty of JW's from my own brother's congregation. There were lots of JW's who knew me and, I guess liked me. In fact, the Big Kahuna, an elder who was a legendary figure for having been a JW for more than 5 decades, having pretty much started the entire Hispanic conversion in the area, part of one the first Gilead class, meeting in person several heavy weight of his time. Well, you get the picture. He offered me personally to be the speaker in my wedding. I declined because I didn't want to cause him any trouble.
In summary, the reaction against dating worldly people is a grey area, even in the higher levels. I guess some more liberal elders are compassionate and understand JW women fear of becoming spinsters. Others, the chauvinists, are not so compassionate, likely very unattractive too, and want to have a big pool of women to choose from, with no regard for women desires.
We are still happily married, while a bunch of her JW's relatives who married other JW's have gone through divorce, in some cases more than once. There's even a case of an elder's wife being unfaithful with another elder.
Caveats: My marriage took place in the U.S. 21 years ago
the neighbor blows his leaves over onto my employee's yard, then denies it.
the neighbor's wife calls the police about anything and everything.. of course they're witnesses.